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Todwick Village

Todwick Parish Council Minutes



Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held in Todwick Village Hall
at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 28th April 2015


  • Councillor Carter
  • Councillor Ferris
  • Councillor Leah
  • Councillor Gregory
  • Councillor White – In the Chair

J R Walker – Clerk & Financial Officer

Members of the Public

The Chairman Councillor Hill and the Vice-chairman Councillor Gregory were not in attendance. Councillor White was elected as Chairman of the meeting.


Apologies had been received from Councillors Greer-Waring, Gregory, Jeffrey and Hill.


The minutes had been approved as a correct record at the 27th May 2014 meeting.


There were no matters arising from the minutes.


There were no urgent matters to discuss.


White considered that Members had done all they could in the last year to serve the community.

Although not an exhaustive list, he described some of the achievements over the preceding 12 months:

  • The Borough Council’s Local Development Plan was contentious in many ways. The Council had considered each of the proposals and commented/objected as considered appropriate in the interest of the village as a whole.

  • The Council had made every possible attempt to convince First Mainline to divert buses destined for Dinnington to do so via Todwick. This had proved unsuccessful but that should not deter from the efforts made by council members and others.

  • Some success had been made in convincing the Borough Council to introduce further waiting restrictions in the vicinity of the primary school and re-introducing a school crossing warden on Kiveton Lane. The request for a 20 mph speed limit had some support from the Borough Council but had not yet been introduced.

  • “The Informer” was now being published in a different and successful format.

  • The annual “Fun-day” had been extended and proved to be very successful. An even more extensive range of activities was planned for 2015.

  • The “Good Neighbour” initiative was now being actively pursued and would hopefully help many in need.

  • A further initiative was the development of a strategic plan to give some structure and direction for future efforts.

  • The village planting had been successful, as had the summer play camp.

  • The Council had assisted in the provision of a wayside seat in memory of John Topham.

  • Further works had been undertaken at the site of the war memorial.

  • Picnic benches had been sited at the play area on the recreation ground and these had proved to be well used.

  • The old sports pavilion had been much improved and extended and was now close to completion. This would provide huge improvements to the facilities available for football and cricket and also provide a community room which could be used for meetings and a wide variety of events.

Whilst often unappreciated by others, he felt sure that Councillor Hill would praise and thank all members for their efforts and he did so on Councillor Hill’s behalf.

Councillors Hill, Leah and Northall had not sought re-election. He thanked them for their considerable contribution over the past years and gave particular thanks to Councillor Hill who would almost certainly have continued had it not have been for the recent tragic death of his wife. As Chairman Councillor Hill had had to chair some difficult meetings and the Council’s achievements had been possible only with his guidance and leadership.


Clerk had undertaken all the duties placed on him at the previous assembly and throughout the last year. He thanked all members for the help they had given him. It had been a privilege to serve the Council at a time when so many achievements had been made and when every member had contributed so much.


Clerk had provided all members with a copy of the receipts and payments account and summary of accounts for financial year 2014/15 in advance of the meeting together with an explanation of significant variances and the asset register. He had submitted the end of year documentation to the Internal Auditor which had been checked and confirmed as being wholly in order.

Clerk explained the accounts for financial year 2014/15, compared them to those for 2013/14 and answered questions.

Resolved to approve:

  1. The Accounts for Financial Year 2014/15

  2. The Explanation of Significant Variances between 2013/14 and 2014/15

  3. Section 1 – The Accounting Statements contained in the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2015

  4. The Council’s Asset Register as at 31st March 2015

White signed and dated the approved documents as the Chairman of the meeting.


Members confirmed having responded positively to each of the following statements and agreed to its meaning as it affected council.


Agreed – Yes or No

‘Yes’ means that the council:

1. We approved the accounting statements prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations and proper practices


Prepared its accounting statements in the way prescribed by law.

2. We maintained an adequate system of internal control, including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness.


Made proper arrangements and accepted responsibility for safeguarding the public money and resources in its charge.

3. We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and proper practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the council to conduct its business or on its finances.


Has only done what it has the legal power to do and has complied with proper practices in doing so.

4. We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors’ rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations.


During the year has given all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and ask questions about the council’s accounts.

5. We carried out an assessment of the risks facing the council and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where required.


Considered the financial and other risks it faces and has dealt with them properly.

6. We maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the council accounting records and control systems.


Arranged for a competent person, independent of the financial controls and procedures, to give an objective view on whether internal controls meet the needs of the council.

7. We took appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit.


Responded to matters brought to its attention by internal and external audit.

8. We considered whether any litigation, liabilities or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year-end, have a financial impact on the council and, where appropriate have included them in the accounting statements.


Disclosed everything it should have about its business activity during the year including events taking place after the year end if relevant.

9. Trust Funds (including charitable) – in our capacity as the sole managing trustee we discharged our responsibility in relation to the accountability for the fund(s)/assets, including financial reporting and, if required, independent examination or audit


Has met all of its responsibilities where it is a sole managing trustee of a local trust or trusts.

Resolved to approve the specific answers given in Section 2 – The Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2015.

White signed and dated the approved documents as the Chairman of the meeting.

White encouraged those members of the public present to offer any comments on the Council’s work during the year.

John Hewitt stated that he was happy with how the Council had conducted its affairs and commented that he considered Members had worked hard in order to achieve so much as described earlier in the meeting.

Ian Newbold had no specific comments to make but expressed his interest in becoming a member of the new council to be formed in May.

Clerk suggested he make a formal application which the new council would then consider.


There were no reports to make in addition to those at the ordinary meeting.


No urgent matters were raised.

The Meeting closed at 7.55 p.m.