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Todwick Village

Todwick Parish Council Minutes



Minutes of the meeting held in Todwick Village Hall
at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 30th June 2009


  • Councillor Hill - Chairman
  • Councillor Leah
  • Councillor Northall
  • Councillor Palmer
  • Councillor Pantry
  • Councillor White
  • Clerk - J R Walker

Jenny Harrison was in attendance from Groundwork Dearne Valley. She had been seconded to RMBC to offer her expertise. The play facilities at Goosecarr Lane had been identified as one of the 28 worst such areas within Rotherham Borough at which grant aid might be used to improve the facilities provided. Any existing equipment in good condition would be retained. She passed out copies of a drawing showing details of the improvement proposals and circulated photographs and examples of similar projects completed in the Borough. She would be having plans displayed within the village. She answered members' questions and left the meeting at 7.50 p.m.


Councillor Kettell had resigned from the Council.

An apology had been received from Councillor's Gregory and Mathieson.

09/20 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - 26th May 2009

There were no amendments.

The minutes were signed as a correct record.


There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.


  1. Cricket Pavilion
  2. Allotment Prizes
  3. Flooding at Goosecarr Lane


Clerk had undertaken his routine duties and the instructions given to him at the last meeting.


Clerk had

  1. Complied with all the audit conditions and sent the requisite documents to the External Auditor.
  2. Written to the bank. £200 had been transferred to the account reserved to accumulate funds to provide his gratuity. Following a general enquiry but without his specific instruction Barclays Bank had transferred £5,000 to a new account to accept monies to be set aside for provision of a new sports pavilion at the Goosecarr Lane Recreation Ground. He had written to express his dissatisfaction about this but no response had yet been received.


Monies received

1. Barclays Bank - Interest


Payments made since last meeting



Transfer to business premium account

1. Clerk's Gratuity


Payments to be made

1. Todwick Village Hall - Rents


2. HMR&C - Tax/NI


3. J R Walker - Salary & Expenses


4. Hi-Tec Print - "Informer" Printing


5. Mr. Julian Marples - Village Maintenance


6. Mr. Stephen Hill - Reimbursement of flooring costs to the cricket pavilion


7. Mr. Stephen Hill - Reimbursement of the cost of a bouquet of flowers as a presented as a thank you to the Internal Auditor


8. Todwick J & I School - Diligence Awards


9. Mr. B White - Purchase of book token for the Head Teacher


Previously signed cheques not appearing on bank statements

1. GFP Construction


2. Zurich Insurance


3. Todwick Village Hall


4. K Mathieson


5. P Kettell


Bank statement balances including bank interest

Business Premium Business Premium Instant Access Saver Community





Bank balances after all payments completed

Business Premium Business Premium Instant Access Saver Community






  1. RMBC - Review of the Joint Working Charter

    Clerk had informed of future meeting dates.

  2. RMBC - Local Development Framework / Core Strategy Revised Options

    Pantry gave his analysis of potential future development in the area.

  3. Mrs. P Roberts - Complaint re Aston Swimming Pool

    Council The matter was not one in which it had any responsibility or involvement.

    Clerk would inform Mrs. Roberts.

  4. Groundwork Dearne Valley - Rotherham Environment Forum

  5. RMBC - Standard's Committee/ Code of Corporate Governance 2009

  6. Todwick Ramblers Club - Wales Footpath No. 22 Kiveton Park Quarry.

    Clerk had written to support the concerns as to the continued closure as a consequence of the depositing of builders waste etc by a waste recycling company.

  7. RMBC - Parish Network Meeting

    Pantry had attended

  8. RMBC - All Parish Liaison Meeting

    Pantry had attended

  9. RMBC - Free After 3 Parking

  10. YLCA - Annual Joint Regional Training Conference

  11. RMBC - Appeal against refusal of Planning Application RB2008/1653 Heat & Power Plant at The Old Quarry, Kiveton Park.

  12. Barclays Bank - Instant Access Saver

    Clerk Account had been opened in the sum of £5,000

  13. Mr. P Kettell - Resignation from Council

    Clerk had notified RMBC of the vacancy and written to thank Philip for his hard work on behalf of parishioners and in particular for editing "The Informer". A Notice of a casual vacancy had been posted. The council would be able to fill the vacancy by co-option if a formal request for an election was not made before 23rd July.

  14. RMBC - Tourism Forum

The meeting was suspended at 8.40 p.m.


  1. P. Robins, A. Rusling and R. Rattenberry were in attendance representing the Todwick Historical Society. They presented suggestions for the village logo featuring a shield giving quadrant representation of the emblems of historic families of the area, namely Osborne/de Mortain, de Wasteney, de Furnival plus that to denote the St. Peter and St. Paul combination.

  2. A Rusling had observed a dog accompanied by his owner on the recreation ground on the day of the Fun Day.

    Chairman had brought to the meeting an extract from the 18th April edition of The advertiser confirming the making of an order by Catcliffe Parish Council. The Clerk would be contacting the Clerk at Catcliffe to ascertain the appropriateness of introducing a similar order in Todwick to include the recreation ground.

  3. A Rusling had observed the company Galebest tipping material at the Manor House.

    Chairman this may well have been material required for the site works presently underway.

  4. R Rattenberry referred to the public footpath adjacent to the Manor House and which the developer appeared to have reduced in width with the apparent permission of RMBC.

    Clerk would write to the Public Rights of Way Officer at RMBC concerning this and the propensity of the path to flood following the works.

Council Thanked the Historical Society for the preparation of the shields/logo presented to the meeting. Mr. Rattenberry was asked to implement a few minor changes to the logo design and to re-submit within a few days. The Council would endeavour to reach agreement on a final logo design with a view to launching it on the forthcoming Historic Trail Day.

Open session closed at 9.30 p.m.


  1. RB2009/0681

    Erection of barn and stables on land off Storth Lane, Todwick for Mrs. Memory of 68 Kiveton Lane, Todwick.

    Clerk had forwarded the information to members in advance of the meeting.

    White had been contacted by a Mr. Needham who understood that no permanent building could be erected on this land.

    Council was not aware of any such covenants.

    Chairman The intended use was agricultural and he saw no objection to the application.

    Resolved to offer no objection but to ask the Borough Council to clarify whether there was any condition preventing the erection of a permanent building.

  2. RB2009/0696

    Demolish existing garage and conservatory and erection of two storey side extension and new porch to side at 23 Goosecarr Lane, Todwick for Mr. and Mrs. Cooper.

    Clerk had forwarded the information to members in advance of the meeting.

    Resolved to offer no objection.

  3. RB2009/0716

    Notice of intention to erect an agricultural storage building (Permitted Development under Part 6 of the Schedule to the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995) at Grange Farm Sheffield Road, Todwick for JL & PS Hartley Grange Farm, Sheffield Road, Todwick.

    Clerk had forwarded the information to members in advance of the meeting

    Resolved to offer no objection.



Northall read out a note from Councillor Mathieson reporting the theft of a new shed from the allotment site on the 2nd/3rd June. The police had attended and included the allotments in their local patrol.

Village Hall

White reminded the Council of the Village Hall Trustees proposal to update the constitution taking into account changes to those organisations now constituting the regular user groups of the hall. It followed observations made by the Yorkshire Rural Community Council some 11 years previously when the Village Hall Committee sought Level 1 Accreditation. It had been observed that the Constitution appeared to be out of date. Contact had been made with the Rev Bliss who was supportive of the proposed changes. The local Church Wardens and the Charity Commission would also be consulted and the legal position clarified. Once this had been done and all proposed changes identified the new constitution would be submitted to the Parish Council for final consideration/approval.


Northall explained that all the user groups had paid their rents and the football clubs their £200 bonds. The Cricket Club had requested assistance with repairing the roof of the container estimated to cost £328 + VAT. Consideration was being given to applying anti-vandal paint to relevant structures. A request had been made to fill the gap in the hedge on the Goosecarr Lane frontage subject to vehicle damage.


  1. To delay any decision on the container until the July meeting.
  2. To purchase anti-vandal paint for applying to the football pavilion and youth shelter roofs.
  3. Not to agree to pay for any additional fencing/hedging.


  1. White had been asked whether the Council could suggest a suitable location for planting a young oak tree obtained by the Women's institute.

    Chairman referred to the potential future size of the tree and suggested that the Kiveton Lane Plantation may be a future option.

  2. White referred to the retirement of Rob Lincoln the Head Teacher of the Junior and Infant School at the end of the summer term.

    Resolved to offer a sum of £25 towards the cost of a book of his choice.

  3. Council had previously agreed to again support the school with diligence awards.

    Resolved that White organise the purchase of book tokens and present the awards to the children on behalf of the Council.

Standing Orders were suspended to allow the meeting to continue beyond 10.00 p.m.


There were no further comments to make.


Palmer reported on the Contractor's activities during the last month. In addition to litter picking and other routine matters work had been undertaken in connection with the Music by Moonlight and Funday Weekend and the rodding of drains during the recent flooding at Goosecarr Lane.

An enquiry had been received from a resident offering to sponsor a hanging basket at Barber Close.


Chairman had spoken with the land owner's representative who had prepared a letter confirming the intention to lease the land to the Council and this had been submitted to the Big Lottery Fund. As a consequence a three month extension had been given to complete the scheme.


  1. Cricket Pavilion

    Chairman referred to quotations received for the demolition and removal of the cricket pavilion together with the conducting of an asbestos survey.

    Resolved to agree to the conducting of an asbestos survey but to delay any decision on the demolition until the results of the survey were known.

  2. Allotment Prizes

    Chairman referred to the high standard of the cultivated allotments and the prizes awarded. In future the competition would be advertised in advance of the judging.

  3. Flooding at Goosecarr Lane

    White had prior to the meeting received reports from nearby residents who expressed their concerns regarding the recent flooding at the junction of Goosecarr Lane and The Pastures. He had also circulated several photographs.

    Clerk had forwarded these to RMBC with a request that the gullies and drains be cleared to prevent a recurrence.

    Clerk would make further representation to RMBC.

The Meeting Closed at 10.52 p.m.