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Todwick Village

Todwick Village Hall Management Committee Minutes

6.30 PM, MONDAY 8th JUNE 2009


  • Mr Brian White (Chair, Trustee & Parish Council)
  • Mr John Palmer (Vice Chair, Trustee & Parish Council)
  • Mrs Jean Leah (Secretary & Trustee)
  • Mr John Gabbitas (5th Trustee)
  • Mrs Liz Wainwright (Cricket Club)
  • Mrs Mari Gabbitas (Craft Group)
  • Mrs Mary Pavey (WI)
  • Mr Tony Rusling (Historical Society)
  • Mrs Chris White (Toddler Group/GG Rainbows)
  • Mr Bryan Ferris (Golf Society)
  • Mrs Brenda Waller (Line Dancing)

Apologies for Absence:

  • Mr Norman Anderson (Treasurer, Trustee & NHD Watch)
  • Mrs Pat Gollaglee (Over 60s)
  • Mrs Margaret Ware (Ramblers)
  • Mrs Claire Newbold (Brownies)

Brian White opened the meeting and welcomed all present.


  • Regarding minute 11.3/09, it read that the boiler "did not have to be emptied after each use" however it should have read that the boiler "should be emptied".
  • The above apart, the minutes of meeting held on 20th April 2009 were accepted and signed by the Chair.


20.1 Update on 2nd Downstairs Toilet & Disabled Toilet Handle - The Chair informed members that the toilet area was almost complete but we were still awaiting a safety cover for the radiator being fitted and also the cupboard inside the toilet area required painting. When the builder returned to finish the radiator he had also agreed to replace the handle on the adjacent disabled toilet. The Chair said that if the outstanding cover was not fitted within a week he would fit it and place a guard around it until formally completed. Action: Chair

20.2 Village Hall Website - The Secretary reported that in relation to outstanding issues appertaining to the website, she had contacted Rural Action Yorkshire in an effort to contact Simon Bland who had assisted us in setting up the website. Action: Trustees

20.3 Table Top Sale - Following the previous event, stallholders had asked that a further event be arranged. Action: 5th Trustee

20.4 E-bay Project - Bryan Ferris informed members that he was progressing setting up the e-bay project that had now been named e-Vend. Bryan was currently in the process of setting up a limited company, opening a bank account and was working through the necessary Memorandum & Articles of Association. There would be three Directors - himself, John Palmer and Margaret Clark. Bryan said he would give further details as they occurred. Action: Bryan Ferris

20.5 VH Adult Parties - Bond or No Bond - The Secretary informed members she had amended the booking form to reflect the reduced £100 bond fee (when necessary). Although it had previously been agreed that the bond will only apply where alcohol is served, it had now been highlighted that at children's parties (where a bond is not required) mums do sometimes drink alcohol. Notwithstanding this it was decided that a bond at children's parties will not be requested. Item discharged.

20.6 Loose Header Brick Replacement - This was still outstanding. Action: Chair

20.7 VH Theft of Lead Flashing From Roof - It was reported that the stolen lead flashing had now been replaced with a non-lead product. Item discharged

20.8 Stair Lift Maintenance Contract - It was reported that maintenance on the stair lift had now been undertaken. Item discharged

20.9 VH Letterhead - JohnG circulated the latest draft. It was agreed that TPC, as a sponsor of the VH, should also be included on the bottom of the letterhead along with those sponsors already shown. Action: 5th Trustee

20.10 Hall 1 "Dimable" Lights - As agreed at the previous meeting, JohnG said he was currently drawing up a combined disco/dimable light specification which would then be passed to an electrician for costing. Action: 5th Trustee

20.11 Hall 1 Decoration - It was reported that the lowest tender had now been accepted and a decorator had been appointed. The work would be undertaken in August (the dates had been highlighted in the electronic diary). Item discharged

20.12 Coffee Machine - At the last meeting it had been agreed to place larger notices advertising the coffee machine's location, however, after discussion it was decided this was not necessary. Item discharged

20.13 Kickboard Under Serving Hatch - Chris White reported that she had not located any suitable tiles. After discussion it was agreed that a piece of formica set on plywood would be erected underneath the serving hatch. Action: 5th Trustee

20.14 Burglar Alarm - JohnG reported that the engineer whilst undertaking the burglar alarm service recently had also sorted the previous intermittent problems that had been experienced. Item discharged

20.15 Polite "Quiet" Notices - Although the Brownies Leader had now done their own "quiet" notices, Tony Rusling asked that a more permanent notice be bought and displayed in the main foyer. Action: 5th Trustee


  • The quarterly edition of Rural Action Yorkshire's "County Air" had been received.
  • Rotherham Advertiser now published "Patch" magazine that was circulated to some 2,000 homes in the Rotherham area. The cost to advertise was £33 for a quarter page / £55 for a half page / £100 for a full page (all + VAT) and they were asking if the Village Hall wished to place an order. Hardly anyone knew of the magazine's existence and decided they would wish to see more wider circulation before placing any advertisement. Item discharged


In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary read out his report as follows:

  • Current financial position:
    • Current Account £5,135.87
    • Reserve Account £3,588.60
    • Cash £108.00
  • All bills were paid to date.
  • Now that the roof repairs had been done, the Treasurer was awaiting the invoice so that he could process it with the insurance company (costs were £1,100 plus cost of temporary repairs £350 less the £250 excess already paid)
  • The Treasurer asked that members be reminded of the need to contact the Caretaker if a user group were, for whatever reason, not going ahead with a weekly hire as this was causing invoicing problems. Action: All


The Secretary reported:

  • Application for a Grant from Coalfields Regeneration Trust - No further progress had been made regarding this. Action: Chair / Secretary
  • Revision of Constitution - The Secretary informed members this was progressing and she would update members as developments occur. Action: Chair / Secretary
  • Caretaker's Annual Review - The Secretary reported that the Chair and herself had now undertaken an annual review with the caretaker. A 50p an hour increase had been agreed in line with agreement made at the previous VHMC. Item discharged Comment was made that the bin liners for the kitchen bin were too large. Secretary to purchase more appropriate size. Action: Secretary Comment was also made that the caretaker seemed to rely on people telling her when consumables had run out before more were purchased. The Secretary said that when the downstairs toilet cupboard was operable the caretaker would have an inventory on the inside of the cupboard door outlining what stock was in there and as the last item of whatever was required was taken out of the cupboard this would trigger her to ask for more supplies. Action: Caretaker


John Gabbitas reported on the following:

  • Monitoring of the accident booklet continued to be undertaken on a regular basis and he reminded all members of the need to fill in as appropriate. Action: All Members Since the last meeting one entry had been made regarding one child from Rainbows with an ear injury. No formal investigation had been necessary.
  • The overall VH building risk assessment had not as yet been undertaken. Action: 5th Trustee/Treasurer
  • Generic risk assessments for user groups were "living documents" and as such if activities changed or the RA needed updating in any way he needed to be notified. Likewise those user groups who have still not completed a general RA should liaise with him. Action: All Members / 5th Trustee
  • Outstanding user groups to undertake a fire drill were Brownies / Toddlers / Rainbows. Brownies had recently had an organised trip to a local fire station. It was planned to do Toddlers/Rainbows next week (17th June) but this could only proceed if enough adults were present (1 adult to every five children). It was suggested that an assembly point inside the closed gate might give more security to the children involved and this option would be discussed with the 5th Trustee. Action: Chris White / 5th Trustee. As different people tended to attend these sessions it would prove more difficult in capturing everyone at the same drill. It was intended to have a tear-off slip which outlined where the exits were to assist those taking part and it was further intended to have a sheet showing the evacuation procedure. JRP/JG agreed to assist with this. Action: Toddlers/ Rainbows / 5th Trustee / Vice Chair. It was further intended to have a drill with group leaders initially without children present.
  • PAT testing had now been completed for the Bowls Club.


  • Donation - Following the Secretary holding a private party at the Village Hall, a relative of hers attending the function had given a £50 donation to the Village Hall. The Chair had already forwarded a letter of thanks to the couple giving the donation. It was agreed to put the donation towards purchasing additional crockery. Action: Secretary
  • Front Door Finger Guard - The Chair said he would contact the builder to ascertain where the original finger guards had been purchased so that spares could be obtained. Action: Chair Regarding the grant for suitable finger covers to the doors, Chris White said no further progress had been made. Action: Chris White / Vice Chair
  • Kaspersky Anti Virus Software - This needed renewing. Action: 5th Trustee
  • TPC Funding - The Chair explained that, as in previous years, monies were currently ear-marked in this year's Parish Council budget for Village Hall expenditure. Two items were highlighted where this funding could potentially be used - (i) renovating the car park wall (one or both sides depending on necessity) and (ii) providing a CCTV security system. All members were asked to give thought to these two proposals so that a discussion could take place at the next meeting. Action: All Members


The following was updated on:

  • Floral Design Classes - The Vice Chair said he had again liaised with Barbara Coe-Colley but as there had been insufficient interest she had decided not to proceed with her intended floral design classes. Comment was made that perhaps someone from the Resource Centre in Dinnington may be prepared to run a floral class at Todwick and the Vice Chair undertook to research this. Action: Vice Chair
  • Canine Society Classes - The Chair informed members that an approach had been made from a lady who is Kennel Club registered who wished to hire the VH for dog training sessions. The hire would be for a six-month period whilst their current venue (Firbeck Village Hall) was closed for renovation. Two of the Trustees had visited Firbeck Village Hall whilst the sessions were in progress and they had observed a very well organised Society. The organisers used mats to protect the floor, the dogs were very clean but any area fouled was immediately disinfected and the organisers took personal responsibility for removal from the site any fouling that had occurred during the sessions.
    Prior to this meeting, contact had been made with those Todwick VH user groups involving children and no objection had been raised. As a result the prospective hirer had done a site visit at Todwick Village Hall (the Toddlers/Rainbows representative did in fact reverse that decision during the meeting).
    A long discussion occurred where concerns were expressed in relation to noise, smell, health and safety issues, and prospective loss of revenue from people not wishing to hire the VH as a result of the dog training sessions being held. A vote was held but members did subsequently agree to a trial period if strict conditions could be set. All members were asked to submit their views on what those conditions should be to the Secretary by Friday week. Action: All Members
    The hirer was intending using Hall 1 of the Village Hall on Thursdays but it was highlighted that only three of the four weeks each month were actually free and the WI were not supportive of using Hall 2 for the six month period.
    As a result the Chair said he would contact the prospective hirer to explain the position. Action: Chair


  • Hot Water Supply - Concern was expressed that it was taking a long time for hot water to come from the hot taps (problems had been experienced in both the kitchen and gents toilets). It was agreed that investigations would take place. Action: 5th Trustee
  • Paper Towel Dispenser - Chris White asked if paper towel dispensers could be fitted as the electric hand-dryers were too hot for children. It was agreed to trial paper towels in one of the downstairs toilets. Action: Secretary
  • Re-cycling - It was reported that the re-cycling bin was not being emptied often enough, particularly after private parties. The Vice Chair undertook to speak with the Village Handyman to ensure that, as far as possible, this was done on a weekly basis. Action: Vice Chair

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15 pm.

The next Village Hall Management Committee
will be held in the Village Hall
at 6.30 pm, Monday 14th September 2009