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Todwick Village

Todwick Village Hall Management Committee Minutes



  • Revd David Bliss (Chair)
  • Mr John Mosley (Vice Chair)
  • Mrs Mari Gabbitas (Acting Secretary / Craft Group)
  • Mrs Margaret Grayson (Treasurer)
  • Mrs Ann Andrew (Afternoon Mothers Union)
  • Mrs M Linda Hewitt (Women's Institute)
  • Mrs Jean Leah
  • Mrs Mary Pavey (Mothers Union)
  • Mr Alan Tizard (TPBC)


  • Mrs Andrea Radford (Brownies)
  • Mrs Ann Rusling (Caretaker)
  • Prospective Mother & Toddler Representative

Revd Bliss opened the meeting and welcomed all those in attendance.


  • Revd Bliss informed members that Mrs Jean Leah had expressed her interest in the position of Village Hall Management Committee Secretary and, if selected, would as a result also become a Trustee of the Village Hall Management Committee. Following nomination by Ann Andrew, seconded by Mari Gabbitas, Jean was appointed Secretary of the Management Committee.
  • On behalf of all members, Revd Bliss thanked Mari Gabbitas for undertaking the role of Acting Secretary during recent months and asked that formal appreciation be recorded in the minutes.


  • Minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2004 were accepted and signed by the Chairman.
  • Referring to Any Other Business in the previous minutes, Ann Andrew asked for apologies to be recorded concerning her lack of communication with the Caretaker in respect of a recent booking.


3.1 Bowling Club

  • Regarding the earlier request to remove the bar unit in the Village Hall to enable the Bowling Club to make maximum use of the floor space and have two mats to run indoor bowling sessions during the winter period (there is potential for two sessions weekly between September/March), Revd Bliss informed members that he had canvassed users for their views. Currently users do not appear to have any use for a bar facility. As a result it was agreed that the bar unit would be removed and the floor polished to enable the bowling club to utilise the Hall as requested. Action: John Mosley
  • The Bowling Club had made a further request to utilise storage facilities inside the Hall to store their bowling mats. It was felt that if the storage room underwent a "tidy up" this could be achieved. However, the mats would have to be stored upright and adequately secured so that when the Hall is utilised by the Mother & Toddler Group it presents no danger to the children. Revd. Bliss undertook to speak with the Mother & Toddler Group leader to get agreement to the proposed extended use of the storage room. It was also pointed out that at the previous meeting mention had been made that toys stored in the room were getting mildew on them. This would be looked at when the "tidy up" took place. Action: Revd Bliss
  • It was further agreed that the Bowling Club should consult with the Caretaker to ensure that the proposed winter period bowling session dates are earmarked in the diary. Action: Alan Tizard

3.2 Outside Storage Facility

  • Revd. Bliss informed those present that as a result of the Play Group being run down as a body, they had offered to hand over to the Village Hall their outside storage facility (next to the Castle) for general use which will give the Hall additional storage space as and when required.


  • Licensing News - No further action required
  • OFSTED (Better education and care) Information - No further action required
  • Rotherham MBC - request to complete a proforma in relation to the capacity of the Village Hall's commercial waste collection receptacle (360 litres). Action: Treasurer
  • Rotherham MBC - notification of business rates re-evaluation (highlights Village Hall will have a rateable value of £3,300 commencing 2005/6 financial year) - No further action required


  • Current position:
    • Cash in hand £626.89 (some to be paid into bank)
    • Current account £3,358.45
    • Business reserve £14,472.46
  • The Treasurer undertook to transfer an appropriate amount from the current into the business reserve account. Action: Treasurer
  • The Treasurer gave a timely reminder to all concerned to pay all outstanding bills promptly which would assist in considerably reducing administration costs. Action: All users


  • The previous minutes had reported that the deadline for the application form for the Yorkshire Rural Community Council was due by end February 2005. However, the forms have not yet been released and as a result the deadline has been extended to 31 March 2005.
  • Several new users are interested in utilising the Village Hall and include Kiveton Park Independent Advice Bureau, Kiveton Park Youth Centre and Rotherham College (both for computer classes).


7.1 Storm Damage

  • It was reported a roof tile had been blown off during the previous week. Action: John Mosley

7.2 Village Hall Tidiness

  • A general reminder was given to all user groups to ensure that the Hall was left in a "user friendly" state after use, and were asked particularly to ensure that floor sweeping, the emptying of bins, closing of gates etc. were adhered to at all times. Action: All users

7.3 Potential for Grant Funding

  • Members asked the viability of acquiring a grant from either The Lottery or WREN (a landfill trust) sources (as had recently occurred at another local Church Hall venue). The Chairman explained that whilst this was a possibility as we were within a relevant catchment area, the procedure adopted was that for WREN to grant a sum of money (which is limited to £30,000) they in return would expect an amount (equivalent of 11%) to be re-paid to them by a third party. In order to be successful in our application, we would need to negotiate the third party sponsor.

7.4 Management Committee Attendance/Participation

  • Members discussed ways in which greater participation by all Group users on the Management Committee could be encouraged, so as to particularly obtain ideas and views of the younger sections of the Community.
  • The Secretary undertook to write to all representative groups of the Village Hall encouraging their attendance and giving prior notice of the date of the next meeting. Action: Secretary

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.

The next Village Hall Management Committee will be held at
7.30 pm, Tuesday 5 April 2005