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Todwick Village

The Informer

The Informer

Todwick Parish Council Newsletter
No. 82
June 2009


Stephen Hill, Parish Council Chairman, and Geoff Downs, A57 Action Group, made joint representation at a Rotherham Planning meeting last month. The main issues raised were:

  • the lack of open discussion that had previously not taken place
  • the removal of the right turn at Goosecarr Lane
  • the proposal of the subway at the same junction
  • the 70 mph speed limit
  • the increased traffic that would pass the school

The Planning officials claimed that there had been considerable consultation and that they had listened to local people. The 70 mph speed limit is, apparently, a stipulation by Central Government in order to qualify for a grant to enable the work to be completed. It was suggested that the subway might be replaced with an underpass which would still allow traffic to access Goosecarr Lane. The reply was that this would cost an additional £1 million and would delay things. The Planning officials did admit to being seriously concerned about the increased traffic past the school. They went on to say that all the issues would be considered and we would be kept informed.


The Trust was set up last year to better manage the recreation facilities within the village. The last meeting took place at the village hall on 7th April. The key issue discussed was the cricket pavilion:

Ken Mathieson reported that the cricket pavilion had been inspected and that a considerable amount of dry rot had been found. Generally the pavilion was in a very bad state of repair and a decision had been taken by TPC for it to be demolished and replaced. The Parish Council were anxious that a new cricket pavilion should be erected and were looking at ways of financing this. It was estimated that a new pavilion would cost in the region of £100,000. Another possibility would be for a new sports pavilion catering for both football and cricket. A sub-committee will be formed to look at all the options including finance, what grants may be available, the site etc. Liz Wainwright agreed to remove cricket gear in the existing pavilion and place into storage.

Brian White, Ken Mathieson and Stephen Hill visited the vandal-proof pavilion at Aston and had been impressed by the fact that, not only was it truly vandal proof, but the internal fittings were of a high standard. This may well be one of the options for future installation at the recreation ground.

Eileen Northall is the new Secretary of the Recreation Ground Committee and can be contacted on 01909 770050.


Todwick Neighbourhood Watch work closely with other organisations in an effort to reduce crime in the area. We have, of course, a strong relationship with the local police and in particular their community support officers. The police have what they call a Safer Neighbourhood Team for Rother Valley South based at Dinnington. They have recently produced a leaflet called Neighbourhood News which describes what they do and their involvement with the local community. The leaflet has been delivered with this edition of the Informer. Todwick Neighbourhood Watch is part of a network of organisations which is focused on trying to reduce crime levels and make our village a safer place to live. However, to achieve this aim we need more village households signed onto the scheme. It is free of charge. There are no monthly meetings to attend. All we need is your name; address and signature to say you wish to join. Your details are data protected and remain secure. Please contact Norman Anderson for further details. Together we can make a difference in helping to reduce crime and the fear of crime in Todwick. If you are not a member, why not ring now? It is free of charge to join.


CE Electric UK is responsible for delivering electricity to over 3.8 million properties across the North East of England, Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire, operating through subsidiary companies. Our local subsidiary being Yorkshire Electricity Distribution (YEDL). They have a priority list of services, businesses and individuals who require extra help in the event of a power cut. If you feel that you may be a priority e.g. severely disabled, elderly and infirm, kidney dialysis patient etc you can contact them on 0800 375675 and they will make the necessary arrangements.


We can confirm that all allotments are currently taken and a waiting list exists. We are happy to report that the general condition of the plots continues to improve but there are a few exceptions and we expect these allotment holders to cultivate them accordingly. As and when plots are available priority allocation will be to Todwick residents so if you wish to take up the "gardening hobby" and provided you have the time available to maintain a plot please contact Councillor Ken Mathieson on 01909 515023 and we will add your name to the waiting list.

As reported in the last issue of The Informer the maintenance of the village flower beds has been contracted to Greenscene Nurseries. They commenced work in the last week of May and have cleared the beds ready for planting. We trust that you will note the improved floral display throughout the summer months and that the idiot vandals will leave the beds to flourish and not use them as a cycle track. To complement the flower beds we are also displaying the hanging baskets again this summer. Many of you were unhappy that we didn't show them last year because we made the decision to spend the money on other things. However, it's your village and consequently we have responded to your concerns. Your Parish Council are constantly seeking to improve the attraction of the village but have to work within a budget which has to provide for many of the other services. We are however very much in need of further funds for the hanging baskets and flower beds and to this end we are asking residents or groups to 'Sponsor a Hanging Basket'. In these difficult economic times you may feel that the cost is too great for just yourself, you may perhaps belong to a group who would be willing to do a combined sponsorship. You may wish it to be in memory of someone or you may have a business you would like to publicise. If anyone feels able and generous enough to offer sponsorship it would be most welcome. You can contact any parish councillor for details. We do hope that you will try to help make a difference to where we all live.


This is an ongoing problem not only in Todwick but in most villages. We appreciate that most dog owners are thoughtful, responsible people and they deal with dog waste accordingly. However, it is obvious from evidence around the village and particularly on the Storth Lane footpath that some dog owners continue to do as they like and don't take proper responsibility for their dogs. The law regarding dog fouling is covered by the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. The Act covers all aspects of dog control including fouling of land by dogs, removal of dog faeces, exclusion of dogs from land, dog control orders and fixed penalty notices. The Parish Council is prepared to take action, under the act, against individuals who continue to allow their dogs to foul public places around the village. If you see a dog owner flouting the law, log the details including date, place and time and if possible name and address of the owner and contact any member of the parish council. We will approach the culprit and present the evidence. We will, of course, respect your anonymity. Our advice to all dog owners is as follows:

Use a doggy bag, or a carrier bag, to pick up the waste. Ideally, this should then be placed in a designated dog bin. If this is not possible, take the bag home or, as a last resort, double wrap the waste and put in a normal litterbin. Pooper scoopers can also be used and are available from most pet stores.

Please note that the Recreation Ground and Children's Playground adjacent to the Church are dog free zones.


As we go to print the Village Summer events:

  • TODWICK MUSIC BY MOONLIGHT - 19.00 to 22.00 on SATURDAY 13 June 2009 at Recreation Ground
  • TODWICK FUNDAY - 13.30 to 16.00 on SUNDAY 14 June 2009 at Recreation Ground

will be in full flow. These will be followed by:

  • ART, HISTORIC, GARDEN TRAIL AND SCARECROW EXHIBITION - 12.00 - 16.00 on Sunday 26 JULY 2009 (note slightly later starting time)

    There will be Art, Historic and other displays in the Village Hall.

    The Church and Church Hall will also be open. If you have visitors take them to see our lovely 1068 Church - not many villages have a near 1000 year old church to show!

    Already some Gardeners have agreed to open their gardens - but if anyone wishes to volunteer to open their garden then that would add to the enjoyment. It is great fun meeting people in your own garden - why just keep it to yourself when you have made such great efforts? Show it!

    If you wish people to just look at your front garden - then that would be most welcome.

    Also for the first time there will be a Scarecrow competition - for any age group... start to think of ideas now... and let Sheila Pantry know if you are entering the competition.

For all the above events contact: Sheila Pantry Tel: 01909 771024 or Email:


Stephen Hill has been re-elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year.

The Parish Council wishes to make public our thanks to Margaret Clark, our internal auditor, who provides the service for free. Margaret lost her husband earlier this year and we are most grateful for her continued support and dedication.

For those who are not aware, a parish councillor receives no remuneration whatsoever for performing his/her duties. They are allowed to claim back expenses for costs incurred. The only paid member of the parish council is the clerk who is a part time employee.

Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month, except August, in the Village Hall commencing at 7 pm. The open session, where parishioners can attend and raise local issues or ask questions, commences at 8 pm.


Mr Stephen Hill (Chairman)

4 Mill Close, Todwick

01909 772001

Mr David Gregory

49 The Meadows, Todwick

01909 771307

Mr Phil Kettell

5 Furnival Close, Todwick

01909 771161

Mrs Jean Leah

91 The Meadows, Todwick

01909 771082

Mr Ken Mathieson

26 The Pastures, Todwick

01909 515023

Mrs Eileen Northall

30 The Pastures, Todwick

01909 770050

Mr John Palmer

78 The Meadows, Todwick

01909 771257

Mr Clive Pantry

85 The Meadows, Todwick

01909 771024

Mr Brian White

18 Mill Fields, Todwick

01909 770817


Mr Rod Walker (Clerk)

10 High Street, South Anston

01909 566639


If you are looking for somewhere to hold a family party, a special event or celebration then the Village Hall could be the perfect place. The Village Hall is also a centre for village activities. If you would like to keep fit, learn some new skills or just meet some local people for a chat then by all means give us a ring on 01909 774353.


The Todwick Village website is produced, maintained and hosted by Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd: The information on the web site has been gathered from many contributors, and is co-ordinated by Todwick resident Sheila Pantry who welcomes news, as well as ideas for future content of this site. Please send news, comments or questions regarding the content to:

The Informer is published four times a year by Todwick Parish Council. It is funded by the parish council; we don't use sponsors or offer advertising space. Our policy is to inform people about news and events that are of local interest. If you have any items that you wish to have published please contact Phil Kettell on 01909 771161 or e-mail to