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Todwick Village

Neighbourhood Watch

Todwick Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter

March 2015

Welcome to all those villagers who have signed up to the Todwick Neighbourhood Watch since our last newsletter in December 2014. We hope that you find these newsletters informative and useful and we always value your information and feedback. We never publish anyone’s name, address or any other private details.

Annual General Meeting

We have booked hall 2 at Todwick Village Hall for Thursday, 25th June 2015 for our AGM. Start time is 7.30 pm and everyone is welcome to attend.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms

In the December edition of the newsletter, we brought up the subject of carbon monoxide alarms. Over the past 3 months we have had several calls from villagers for replacement as the lifespan of the ones we provided some years ago is coming to an end. The round Kidde alarms are no longer made but we have found 2 very good alarms which are free standing or can be fastened down with screws. Batteries are included.

May we ask that if you have a CO alarm that you check it to make sure it is working. If you do not have a {CO} alarm you may need to consider if you do need to have one. In recent years incidents have been recorded where carbon monoxide gas has seeped into people’s homes from adjoining properties. Remember this is the silent killer, it has no smell, you cannot see it and can be present in any home, caravan, motor-home or tent which has a fuel burning heater / cooker. Please contact Norman. I will deliver to you within the village.

Smoke Alarms

Whilst on the subject of alarms, have you checked recently that your smoke alarm is working? When the batteries start to go flat many of them emit an intermittent “beep” noise which is a call to you to address the issue. Whilst smoke alarms are modestly priced and on sale at most DIY stores and other retail outlets, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue will fit one free of charge when you request a free check of your home for fire risks. So to get your appointment for your free fire risk check telephone 01142 532 522 during office hours. It has to be a better option that having to dial 999 in an emergency?

A call to all motorists in our area

The car park at the main Co-operative Store on Chapel Way Kiveton has parking restrictions in place from 23rd February 2015. When the signs were first installed the restriction was one hour. Local shops have complained about the adverse effect that this will have on the local economy at Kiveton. At the time of writing this article, I have been told that the time limit is now 2 hours. So if you are the habit of parking there please remember the time limit on that car park. If in doubt, please ask in store.

Gas Safe

If you are having any gas work done at home or elsewhere, always check that the engineer / fitter is registered on the Gas Safe register. This register replaced the old Corgi system. Only people who are on the register are legally allowed to work on gas appliances. Don’t just accept his / her word they are registered – check it. Either telephone 0800 408 5500 or visit to ensure that the work-person is qualified to work on your particular appliance.

The Lions... in Todwick?

We have been made aware that the local branch of the Lions have been to Todwick in connection with their “In case of Emergency” green canisters. They have kindly supplied some of the canisters which are designed to hold medical information for paramedics / ambulance if needed in a case of emergency. If you feel that one could be useful for you please let either Helen Greer-Waring (Tel: 774472) or Norman know as soon as possible. These are free of charge.

Could you be a co-ordinator for us please?

From time to time our street co-ordinators retire and we need someone to help us to fill the gap. The role, with 22 other co-ordinators, involves delivering newsletters in Todwick on a quarterly basis and keeping an interest in what is happening in the village. There are no monthly meetings to attend. If you feel that you could help, or would like more details about this role, please contact Norman.

Contact Information

S. Y. Police non-emergency calls to report crime or give information dial 101

S. Y. Police / Ambulance / Fire & Rescue emergency dial 999

Crimestoppers to give information about crime (you do not have to give your name) dial 0800 555 111 open Mon-Fri 8 am to 10 pm & Sunday 10 am to 4 pm

Action Fraud this is the government run reporting centre for fraud. Calls can be made on 0300 123 2040 anonymously or text on 0300 123 2050

Streetpride part of Rotherham Borough Council. For most general problems with bin emptying, damaged bins, street lighting, potholes & other problems associated with roads & pavements 01709 336003

Electricity emergency 0800 375 675

Crime Statistics

The reported crime statistics for Todwick for December 2014 - January / February 2015 inclusive, kindly provided by South Yorkshire Police are as follows:

Burglary in a building (non dwelling)


Burglary in a dwelling


Criminal damage – non-buildings


Assault occasioning actual bodily harm




Common Assault


Anti social behaviour


Thanks to all the villagers who have provided details of incidents and issues.

Thanks also to Sheila Pantry for ensuring that our village website shows our newsletters.

Norman Anderson (chair)