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Todwick Village

Todwick Village Hall Management Committee Minutes

7.30PM, TUESDAY 7 JUNE 2005


  • Revd. David Bliss (Chair & Trustee)
  • Mr John Mosley (Vice Chair & Trustee)
  • Mrs Margaret Grayson (Treasurer & Trustee)
  • Mrs Jean Leah (Secretary & Trustee)
  • Mrs Margaret Ware (Over 60s & Trustee)
  • Mrs Myra Slight (representing Mary Pavey)
  • Mrs Anne Rusling (Caretaker)
  • Mrs Audrey Radford (Brownies)
  • Mr Harry Bower (PCC)
  • Mrs Celia May (Harthill & District Child Minders)
  • Mrs Chris White (Todwick Tots & Toddler Group)


  • Mrs Mary Pavey (Mothers Union)
  • Mrs Ann Andrew (Mothers Union)
  • Mrs M Linda Hewitt (Women's Institute)

Revd Bliss opened the meeting and welcomed all those in attendance.


  • Minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2005 were accepted and signed by the Chairman.


16.1 Item 9.1/05 - Bowling Club Issues

  • The dismantled bar has now been disposed of. Item discharged.

16.2 Item 9.5/05 - Compliance with Village Hall Tidiness

  • The Chairman reported that following earlier incidents of blocked toilets, group leaders need to be alert to the requirement to monitor the use of the facilities by their members so as to ensure that the toilet areas are kept flushed and left in a good state at all times. Some members reported that the ladies toilets are sometimes difficult to flush and, if the problem persists prior to modernisation, may require further investigation. Anne Rusling said she was still finding incidents of glue on tables and asked group leaders to monitor the use of such adhesives. Item discharged.

16.3 Item 10.1/05 - RMBC Licensing Application

  • The Secretary reported the licensing application had been completed and forwarded by mail simultaneously to RMBC and SYP as required. However, it appeared that the RMBC copy had been "lost in transit" resulting in duplicate copies being prepared/despatched. Item discharged.

16.4 Item 10.2/05 - Yorkshire Rural Community Council Membership

  • Since the last meeting it had been established that Todwick Parish Council already subscribe to YRCC. As a result it was deemed unnecessary for the Village Hall to duplicate this. John Mosley, in his capacity as member of the Parish Council, undertook to forward any items received by them (Parish Council) from the YRCC to members of the Village Hall Management Committee. Item discharged.

16.5 Item 13/05 - Marketing of the Village Hall on the Internet

  • Following liaison and with thanks to Sheila Panty, the minutes of the Village Hall are now published on the Todwick website. Also it was hoped that additional enhancements could be made in the near future by creating a "banner" on the website which would draw attention to website visitors of the availability of the Village Hall. The Secretary undertook to keep members informed of developments. Item discharged.

16.6 Item 14.1/05 - Health & Safety Risk Assessments

  • A date has now been set to undertake these. When done they will be displayed in the Village Hall for all groups to check that, wherever possible, all activities undertaken with adequate control measures are contained within the risk assessments. On completion, any outstanding areas not covered by the risk assessments, and/or action arising from these, will be brought back to the next meeting. [Secretary's Note - when doing R.A. account needs to be taken of open access from main hall through to kitchen] Action: Secretary

16.7 Item 14.7/05 - Repair to Fire/Emergency Exit

  • The repair to the emergency exit opening out onto The Pastures is still outstanding but will be undertaken within the next 10 days. Action: John Mosley


17.1 RMBC Inspection on Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 - As a result of an inspection, the Chairman reported that a letter from RMBC dated 9 May 2005 had given notification of work required where paint was flaking off some areas of the kitchen walls. He informed members that an eight week period has been given as the due date for completion [3 July 2005]. John Mosley undertook to carry out the necessary work. Action: John Mosley

17.2 Gasforce Service Contract - A renewal contract [due 30.06.05] has been received. Some members believed the cost was high and asked that an alternative quote be obtained. Action: Chairman

17.3 RMBC Commercial Waste Collection Receptacle - Remittance for the above [£215.62] has now been made for use of a 360 litre bin. Item discharged.

17.4 Funding News - The latest edition was displayed on the Hall's notice board. Item discharged.

17.5 GoPak -The latest catalogue was received by members. Item discharged.


  • Current position:-
    • Cash in hand £158.45
    • Current account £1,497.52 [have now transferred £3,000 from current to business reserve]
    • Business reserve £17,635.29


  • The Chairman reminded members that the Secretary had undertaken to approach WREN to seek their support in funding the perimeter fence and gate. However, on researching the issue it has been discovered that WREN are currently promoting a Village Hall Challenge where a limited number of grants up to £250,000 are being competed for. As a result an extraordinary meeting of the Trustees had been called. At the Trustees meeting it had been agreed that rather than simply apply for a grant only to cover the perimeter gate and fence, the Management Committee should widen the scope of the WREN application and apply for the maximum grant possible, ie, compete in the Village Hall Challenge. Members gave their full support to this viewpoint. The deadline for applications for the Village Hall Challenge is 31 July 2005 with winners being announced in April 2006. Notification as to whether our application has been successful in getting through the first round is expected September 2005. A further Trustees meeting is planned for 12.30pm, Saturday 11 June 2005 [Secretary's venue] to progress the application. All previous discussion regarding a replacement gate will be deferred until the outcome of the first round application in September is known. Action: Trustees


  • A request was made for a replacement toilet seat in the ladies toilet which, following inspection, was approved. Action: Anne Rusling
  • Anne Rusling reported that ant traps had been placed in the kitchen because of recurring "visits".
  • Anne Rusling reported repeated flooding problems in the back room during the period 19/20 April.
  • Anne Rusling reported that, despite polishing, grease [from discarded chocolate] was causing stain marks and also dust was collecting on the floors. Having sought advice she had been informed that until the floor has been re-sanded and sealed these problems will persist.
  • Celia May brought to members' attention the need to be vigilant when using the microwave. A recent incident had resulted in a plastic jug becoming very quickly burnt whilst melting chocolate.


Item 21.1 - Village Hall Fees for Non-Cancellation

  • Anne Rusling raised the issue of Groups not keeping her informed of pre-booked dates where the Village Hall would not be required (ie, during Half Term times etc). It was agreed that unless the Caretaker was notified prior to the date of any booked event it would be assumed that the Hall was still required and the appropriate charge would apply. Action: All Users

Item 21.2 - Applications for Grants

  • Approval was sought for (i) Tots & Toddlers Group to apply for a grant for a baby changing station and (ii) Harthill & District Child Minders Group to apply for a grant for use of a portable oven in the Village Hall. Members agreed. Action: Christine White / Celia May

Item 21.3 - Cover Arrangements

  • After discussion various members volunteered their availability to cover for the Caretaker's absence.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

The next Village Hall Management Committee will be held at
7.30 pm, Tuesday 6 September 2005